Get yourself in a marriage-focused state of mind
Use our material, questionnaires and counseling to educate yourself on Jewish marriage, discover the family and Jewish values that are most important to you and learn how to date for marriage.

Our matchmaker & AI duo connect you with potential matches
Innovative AI technology will connect your matchmaker with a niche community of singles who share your values and geography. Your matchmaker will be responsible for hosting communal events and setting up individual dates for the members of your community.
Access the support of our network of trained marriage coaches
Our Rabbis and Rebbetzin are trained to coach you through the process. They will support you through dating, taking the marriage leap, wedding blues, setting up your home, the honeymoon phase and beyond.

Our Vision
At the heart of Met at Chabad is a team of matchmakers, Rabbis and Rebbetzins, social psychologists and tech innovators have collaborated to disrupt the swiping and dating industry and bring you a wholesome, marriage-oriented solution.
With a three-pronged approach of education, ground-breaking technology and human support we aim to cultivate marriage-mindfulness, match people based on both their family and Jewish values, and coach them through the meeting and marrying process.
At Met at Chabad we will help you find your Jewish soulmate and, based on the everlasting directives of the Torah, support you in building your secure and loving Jewish home.
Dedicated in loving memory of:
Shmuel ben Yehoshua Eliyahu a"h
Mr. Sami Rohr ob"m
Whose love for the Jewish people
and unparalleled support for Chabad-Lubavitch
changed the world forever.